Use machine vision to detect illness in cattle

Health Management

Coming Soon!

The PLT machine vision platform improves a livestock manager’s ability to identify and treat sick animals quickly to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics.

Individual Tracking

Under the auspices of a grant from ICASA and in partnership with leading livestock producers, veterinarians and researchers, the PLT machine vision platform is being extended. The cattle health management system will improve livestock managers’ ability to identify and treat sick animals in a timely manner to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics.

Eyes on at all times

Benefits of early detection and reduction of morbidity:

  • Better utilization of skilled labor
  • Earlier intervention
  • Reduction in unnecessary treatments
  • Improved meat quality
  • More efficient consumption of feed
  • Higher profits for producers
A cow with overlay of boxes marking significant body parts to show how the cattle health management system can identify and detect possible health issues.

Ready to learn more about maximizing your operation?

Schedule a call with one of our sales representatives to get a customized quote and product plan. We charge per-unit, per-month, with no up-front fees. Installation support, maintenance, and upgrades are included.